Most Wanted Alien Brides (IDA)

Most Wanted Alien Brides: Intergalactic Dating Agency - Candice Gilmer Books

Most Wanted Alien Brides: Intergalactic Dating Agency

Part of the Intergalactic Dating Agency Series. These POW's from the Terran... 

  • Vampires Don't Babysit

    Surviving should have been enough. It wasn't.

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  • Brightest Shadow

    Werewolf Alpha. She's not interested.

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  • The Temptress's Cyborg

    When at war, the Enemy of her enemy is her 🍆

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Need some awesome books?

Well, you're at the right place. I'm Candice Gilmer, and I love to find that happily ever after. Whether it's with cyborgs, monsters, or in fairy tales, for me, it's all about the romance.

I've been writing forever, published my first book in 2008, and will probably never stop writing. The Voices won't let me, lol.

So dive in, look around and grab a new story to fall in love with.

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Just a few of my series

Guys and Godmothers and Mythicals Of Avalon - Candice Gilmer Books

Guys and Godmothers and Mythicals Of Avalon

Fairy Godmothers Christy, Lilly and Ava are Fairy Godmothers who want something... 

Mythical Knights - Candice Gilmer Books

Mythical Knights

Mythical Knights Series The Immortal Knights Templar protect the world from the... 

Galactic Storm Series - Candice Gilmer Books

Galactic Storm Series

The Terran Empire is at war with The Rhimodian cyborgs. The Terrans...